Monday, September 12, 2011

No Practice week of 9.12.11!

Alright, here's the skinny on this week. The officers are working their butts off trying to get all of the paperwork together so we can hold an official practice but until all the bureaucratic nonsense is complete we can't officially practice as a team. HOWEVER... we will be at the Student Union Activities Fair coming up this Wednesday (9.14) from 10am-2pm at Coffman Memorial Union. We will most likely be throwing a disc and wearing our stunna Ninja jerseys so come find us and say hey! We are trying to get practices going as soon as possible but until then we also will have a throwing date every Friday from 11-2 on the mall so come throw with us!

Remember, a good frisbee player is never without her disc. So don't let me catch you out on campus without yours! 



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