Monday, February 25, 2013

Meet The Ninjas Part I: Captains

We decided it would be a great idea to let all y'all get to know your favorite ninjas a little bit better. So, in these next few weeks leading up to Centex, we'll have short player bios that will debut right here(!!!) and soon after, make their way over to our website (

PART I: LOS CAPTAINS (in alphabetical order by last name)

#10 Andrea “Golden Nugget” Crumrine

Year: Senior
Major: Political Science and Spanish Studies
Description in one hashtag: #CrumCreation
Fave hobby:
Fave smoothie: Best Ever Cool Drink (from VWok)

#1 Natalie “Nat” DePalma

Year: Senior
Major: Choose Your Own Adventure
Description in one hashtag: #DontPutThatOnTwitter
Spirit animal: Beyonce
Memorable moment: Challenging a 6th grade boy to a “throw-off”
Fave hobby: Throwing high release lefty backhands WHILE singing Beyonce

#9 Emily “Flub” Regan

Year: Senior
Major: Biology, Society, and Environment
Description in one hashtag: #FamilyValues
Something she has: Ups like a UPS truck
Hates: Hugs
Fave color: Cow-print
